Professional Disclaimer

I am obligated by the Professional Code of Ethics of the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) to issue the following disclaimer:

I am not a medical doctor, attorney or financial adviser. I do not engage in dispensing medical, legal, financial or other professional advice that is outside of my professional area of expertise.

The information provided here is not a substitute for seeking advice from, and/or working with, your doctor, attorney, financial adviser, or other professional.

You are strongly encouraged to consult a medical doctor or other appropriate professional before using any of the

  • information,
  • health and fitness-related advice,
  • goods,
  • services or other resources

that you may find on this web site or other resources that may be mentioned or made accessible through this web site.

Please use caution and common sense in evaluating and using this or any other resource on the Internet.

That includes, though it is not limited to, using fitness equipment as the manufacturer intended such equipment to be used.

Also bear in mind that there are no one-size-fits all solutions.

Every person is different, having their own unique set of issues.

Tips offered throughout this site will not work in exactly the same way for everyone, despite my best efforts to ensure that information provided throughout the site is relevant, science/evidence-based as applicable, and current.

Updated December 3, 2020