How To Survive Your First Three Months At the Gym

The most challenging part of developing a new fitness habit is sticking with it for the first thirty days.

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So you’ve got your shots and you’re thinking of signing up to a gym.

You’ve seen the TV ads. You’ve even read some disturbing news.

However, you are highly motivted and are ready to start your bodybuilding journey.

Time to move out of the mundane, Ordinary World that is home and into that Special World that is the gym.


You step into the gym and your head starts spinning…

Even if this does not sound or read like you…

…your first three months at the gym can be a whirlwind of experiences.

You will have to get to know a lot of different equipment…

…meet a lot of different people with different approaches to bodybuilding.

Not to mention familiarizing yourself with a completely different environment, while consistently working out in a way that’ll actually produce results.

Here are a few tips for surviving your first three months at the gym.

Tip No. 1 – Take advantage of the free or discounted personal trainer offers

Most gyms will offer you a free or discounted personal trainer session as part of your gym membership. Take advantage of this offer.

Usually the trainer will start by giving you a guided tour of all the different equipment in the gym. This alone is worth the time it’ll take. This tour will allow you to get the most out of your gym experience.

Then your personal trainer will ask what your goals are and discuss different workout options and dietary tips to help get you there.

Yes, they’ll probably try to sell you a training package at the end of the hour. If you don’t want to sign up, just let them know – don’t worry, they won’t be offended. They get that every day.

Tip No. 2 – Try to find the most fun thing in the gym

If going to the gym feels like a chore to you, chances are you won’t keep up the habit in the long run.

Instead of forcing yourself to do exercises you don’t like or to use unfamiliar equipment, try to find the thing that you enjoy the most in the gym.

For example, if they have a swimming pool, why not go for a swim and see if you like it? If they have kickboxing classes, hot yoga classes or group cycling classes, why not give those a shot?

Once you’ve found something you enjoy and you’ve gotten in the habit of going to the gym regularly, then you might consider doing something a little more challenging. But in the beginning, focus on finding something that you really enjoy.

So, do take your time to learn about this Special World. Apart from finding out about the rules and regulations, and where things are…

Tip No. 3 – Find a buddy

In this Special World, you will need one. Even if you are a die-hard introvert.

Talk to the other people in the lockers, in the cafeteria or after group classes. Make friends who are also passionate about fitness.

Having friends to compare notes with, to learn from and to share experiences can really help keep you motivated. And it’s more fun. You’ll also have a spotter for exercises like the bench press.

The most challenging part of developing a new fitness habit is sticking with it for the first thirty days. Once you get in the habit of going to the gym, you can then spend your time and energy on building the perfect workout. In the beginning, though, just work on building the habit of going to the gym regularly.

Image by Aberro Creative from Pixabay

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