How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

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This article is reprinted with the express permission of Dr. Steve. G. Jones of

Although it was first published on his site in 2008, you will find the content is as relevant as ever in these uncertain times.

The content has been left intact, with the following exceptions:

  • the embedding of images where relevant
  • the embedding of videos from his YouTubeTM Channel where available and relevant
  • the styling of a quote from Theodore Roosevelt at the end of the article
  • the placement of my affiliate links to his website, where appropriate.

Article Title: Fear of Failure

Copyright © Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist

If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it’s not to be afraid of taking a chance. I often ask myself, “What’s the worse that could happen?” Failure is the worst thing that could happen, but the best thing that could happen would be success. For me, the possibility for success far outweighs the possibility of failure.

I’d like for you to take a moment out of your day and think about something for a minute. I want you to think of something that you have dreamed of doing, but something has been holding you back. I want you to put down everything that you are doing right now and come up with a plan, that’s right! I want to motivate you to take a chance on something you feel passionate about. Perhaps you want to change your career or perhaps you want to try something new. Whatever it is that you want to do-Do it! Take the first step right now!! Chances are that taking this risk will vastly improve your life. You should strive to be the best person you can be.

Once you have a goal in place, be sure to stay on track. Keep a positive attitude at all times. And if you hit a roadblock along the way, that’s okay because you will be able to figure a way around the roadblock. Realize that if you fail, you can re-evaluate your actions, make changes, and try again. The only way to learn is by making mistakes every now and then.

New Year’s is just around the corner. What is your resolution? 2008 is the year to make changes, to improve your way of life because you deserve it! I encourage you to take action and work towards your goals!

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed”.

Theodore Roosevelt.

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