Top 10 Reasons You Need To Be Mentally Tough With The Psychology of Strength

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Reason # 1:

It’s the world’s first program designed to show how to develop a tough mind that combines training secrets from

  • law enforcement,
  • military,
  • sports psychology,
  • hypnosis,
  • neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and
  • marital arts.
Mike Gillette’s Badges

Psychology of Strength is available as a 2-disc DVD set complete with a comprehensive Strong Mind Manual designed to be used alongside the presentations.

Strength Psychology course by Mike Gillette
Strength Psychology course by Mike Gillette

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Reason # 2:

What good is having all your fighting skills, survival tactics and physical fitness if you freak out and lose your cool when things get real?

This is important. All toughness is mental! If you think big muscles make you tough, you’re wrong. The mind moves the body.

Reason # 3:

The chief instructor Mike Gillette is a real-world action hero like Liam Neeson. He was an army paratrooper, a SWAT commander, a member of the martial arts hall of fame, a counter-terrorism consultant for the Dept of Homeland Security and an Executive Bodyguard for Fortune 500 executives and movie stars like Sylvester Stallone.

Mike Gillette Intro
Mike Gillette Intro

Plus…he’s a record setting strongman on Ripley’s Believe it or Not and Guinness World Records.

He walks the walk! Mike G is the real deal.

Reason # 4:

He was not a born a hero. Nobody is. Mike Gillette has been through some horribly hard times. As a child he was abused and neglected. He tried to kill himself but he reckons God gave him a 2nd chance.

He also broke his back in a climbing accident and was able to overcome all of this. Why? Because he developed mental toughness.

Reason # 5:

Mike Gillette is a Christian and he is not shy about it. Whether you believe in God or not is not my point. I’m just pointing out we do our best to be fair and ethical and care about people. Nobody is perfect but we have our heart in the right place and wanted you to know that this product is not about making money, but about changing lives and helping people like you achieve your dreams.

Reason # 6:


This is what it comes down to…

Every professional knows you have to be mentally strong to achieve success in your field.

Ever wondered how the most successful business leaders got to where they are today, regardless of their background or how smart they are?

Have you wondered what world class Olympic athletes possess that makes them go just that bit further to leave the losers in their wake…even when the other guys train just as hard?

And why is it some people seem to so effortlessly and easily find money, success and power?

There’s a missing link that tips you from being “everyone else” to becoming the greatest in your field.

It’s what makes YOU a winner… rather than the guy who came second.

And it’s this: Mental Toughness!

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“Strength starts internally…”

Reason # 7:

Set new personal records in the gym!

Mike Westerdal told you the story about how he couldn’t get past the 600-pound barrier on the bench press until he realized he had a mental block and did something about it. Not all your sticking points have to do with training variables. Sometimes you just need to get your head on right and the Psychology of Strength can help you be mentally prepared to crush records in the gym.

Reason # 8:

Mike Gillette’s favorite food is bacon. Enough said.

Reason # 9:

Everyone who attended the live event experienced considered it life changing. They paid $1000 each to attend and you can get the full program for a tiny fraction of that cost today.

Reason # 10:

If for any reason at all you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason at all you can have 100% of your money back. The risk is on us, not you because we know this material is powerful.

Try Mike Gillette’s Psychology of Strength for 60 days and experience for yourself the speed and ease at which you start developing rock-hard mental toughness. Silence your fears and discover how to tap into your peak performance state by focusing on a few simple mindset exercises that only take a few minutes each day.

Last Day to Get the Psychology of Strength 60% OFF

To a better, wiser, stronger YOU.


“Bad Things”

Last Day to Get the Psychology of Strength 60% OFF

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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