How Can Women Learn to Use Graceful Flow for Success in Life?

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Is 2020 The Year of the Goddess?

Do you get the feeling that the year 2020 has been the year of the Goddess?

I use the term “Goddess” as a way to describe the feminine energy.

Whatever your stance is on what or who a Goddess is…

Count the number of women who ran for President.

What about those women – could we call them “The Fearsome Foursome” – who were re-elected, despite come under personal attacks?

I do mean that as a complement.

Throughout this election race too, there has been some discussion of sexism in Congress.

Have you read the manifesto of the Black Lives Matter movement?

There is an affirmation of the feminine energy.

Did you know it was started by three women?

And now we have a woman vice-president elect for the first time in U.S. American history.

Erm…yet another first announced recently.

The Nature of The Feminine Energy and Business

Many business women make the mistake of thinking that they have to abandon their feminine side and embrace all things masculine in order to get ahead in business.

This was particularly so during the 1980s.

You remember those “power shoulders”, don’t you?

The truth is that no matter what job or industry you are in…

…you will never be truly successful and happy in your career if you are pretending to be something that you’re not.

You might think the role of hard-headed businessman is the only way to succeed in top companies, but…

… most businesses have more than enough of this type.

Their masculine energy rides roughshod over anyone who doesn’t meet their exacting, and often unrealistically high standards.

It also silences any disagreement or any creative thinking that might come into conflict with their vision of how things “should” be done.

Feminine energy is a lot less action oriented.

It is softer, more creative and flexible.

Feminine energy goes with the flow.

It doesn’t try to redirect the river.

Although it can choose to strategically place a boulder somewhere along it.

The Idea of Graceful Flow

The idea of flow is that everything comes to us naturally, without us chasing all over the place after things we think will make us happier, more successful, more… whatever.

A bit like chasing your dog in the park.

Flow is about accepting what is good in life without wanting more or pushing it away because we think we don’t deserve it.

It is also about attracting the good things in life through correct action.

If we work hard on a project, for example, good results will follow.

Flow is also about a vision of how things can be better, and developing that vision in an organic way.

If you want to grow a wonderful rose, you can’t keep tugging at it to make it grow faster.

The result would just cause it to wither and die on the bush.

The Secret of “The Secret”

The very popular book “The Secret” resonated with a lot of people who wanted to learn more about abundance and flow.

It is also commonly termed the law of attraction.

Instead of exhausting yourself chasing after all the things you want, you can take actions that will make those good things come to you.

The result is a lot less stress and a great deal more success and satisfaction.

A lot of business people get so caught up in the idea of more – more customers, money, and profits – that they fail to appreciate what they actually have.

They get so stressed that their health starts to fail.

They also say or do unskillful things which result in poor relationships in the workplace, and unhappy clients who go to businesses who will treat them better.

The Pareto Principle tells us that 20% of your customers are responsible for 80% of your profits.

Graceful flow in this case would therefore mean nurturing these relationships as much as possible to sustain them over the long term.

The energy can be directed in a positive, purposeful way, with laser focus – not negative, aimless and anxious.

Graceful flow will bring success without having to stress over it for more harmony and balance within the company, the business community at large, and within yourself as a woman entrepreneur.

You do not need to abandon your feminine side to succeed. The proof is all around you.

Image of executive businesswoman by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

A note about the image

I used this image because it was the best one I could find at the time. 

Acting like a lady (or like a man, for that matter), in its truest sense, has nothing to do with sex and gender. While it is a way of speaking, it goes beyond sex and gender.

We are all spiritually androgynous and we tend to emphasize one side of ourselves because of how we are programmed by society.

This article, then, is about seeking balance between both sides of ourselves in order to achieve WHOLENESS.

PS: In 2020, Dr. Patrick Gentempo, CEO of Revealed Films, interviewed several successful people for his Money Revealed series.

Two of those that stood out for me, particularly as they are relevant for this article were Ann Wilson (The Wealth Chef), and Kim Kiyosaki, wife of Robert Kiyosaki.

By the way, Ann is a white African. Which reminded me that there are people like that. Just like there are white Jamaicans.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

PPS! Just two links I thought I would add to entrench the idea of this year being the year of the Goddess…

African American Woman, Midshipman 1st Class Sydney Barber, makes US Naval Academy History. Located at The Baltimore Times. [Accessed December 3, 2020]

Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, declares 2020 to be the year of the woman. Located at the Home Page of Maryland Business Express (online). [Accessed December 3, 2020 – for this article]

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