How To Overcome The Fear of Success

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Copyright © Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Article Title: Overcome Fear of Success

You may or may not realize this, but many people actually have a fear of success. And in many cases, the person affected does NOT realize that this fear exists. Without getting to psychological, fears of things that most people find desirable come from childhood.

Many times as children, we hear things that become imbedded in our subconscious. And the subconscious just accepts whatever you tell it without any form of judgment whatsoever.

Once the subconscious has been fed a certain thought for a certain period of time, it will then begin working synergistically with the universe to create an environment that corresponds to the thoughts it has been fed.

Here’s a quick example. Did you know that the majority of people that win the lottery wind up broke within a few years? And the majority of rich people who lose their entire fortunes can regain it all within the same amount of time.

Much of these results have to do with the frame of mind (and more important the state that their subconscious minds) are in. You see many poor people come from poor families where the household leaders had a different outlook on money than wealthy people do. They have opinions on money that include: “money is the root of all evil”, “the rich are bad people” “you don’t need a lot of money”, “money isn’t everything”, etc.

They in turn pass these thoughts onto their children who eventually grow up with these thoughts imbedded in their subconscious minds where they become manifested into reality.

So even if a person thinks in their conscious mind that money is good and that it will make them happy, their subconscious mind thinks otherwise and will do whatever it takes to get money away from this person.

The end result is that the person will begin spending recklessly and becoming extremely irresponsible with their money. In the end, they wind up broke all over again. Do you see how this process develops?

Well, the same effect can happen on any aspect of one’s life including success. Now being that success means something different to everyone, there are numerous aspects of your life that are at risk if you have a fear of success.

Now you may be saying to yourself “that’s ridiculous, I don’t have fear of success. I want to be successful more than anything in this world”. “Why would I want to be unsuccessful?” But realize that those thoughts are coming from your conscious mind, whereas your subconscious, more powerful mind thinks otherwise and may be causing you to take actions, make decisions, have conversations, etc. that are designed to ultimately sabotage your chances of actually being successful.

These actions may appear in the from of things like being late for work, never asking for a promotion, spending money recklessly, not trying to achieve more challenging goals, laziness or a host of other things guaranteed to prevent you from moving forward in life.

So if you are at a point in your life that you are not 100 percent happy with or just feel as though your not moving forward, or even worse moving backwards, take a look at your behavior and perhaps face the reality that you may just have a fear of success.

The good news is that I can help effectively overcome your fear of success through powerful hypnosis. All you need to do is log onto my website and take advantage of this life changing CD or MP3:

Overcome Fear Of Success Self Hypnosis

I want you to be successful. Take your life to the next level!

Until next time,

Live in Abundant Possibility!

Steve G. Jones,
Clinical Hypnotherapist

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