Focus on Results: Work Smart, Not Hard

Sometimes, working hard means wasting your life working for a company that doesn’t value you.

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Before we dive in, let’s listen to Brian Tracy:

How to Work Smarter, Not Harder | Brian Tracy | [Accessed November 12, 2020].

Excellent summary, don’t you think?

In this article, we are challenging the notion that working hard is always a good thing. Sometimes, working hard means wasting your life working for a company that doesn’t value you.

Much better than working hard then, is to work smart. That means that you stop focusing on working for the sake of working and start working in order to get results.

This is where it becomes important once again to assess your past performance and look at what has worked and what has not. This will allow you to invest your time only where it counts and only where it matters.

Something John Kehoe talks about in his book “Mind Power”, is the importance of acknowledging your past successes when you have achieved a goal and are about to set out on a new one.

Show some gratitude for how far you have come to where you are now.

Freeing Up Mental Space

This might include finding ways to remove the unwanted distractions and clutter from your life.

Work that does not take you closer to your goal is not work that is worth your time. Work that takes you away from the things you are passionate about is not worth your time. 

And so if you’re currently spending half your evening washing up and cleaning the house it’s time to stop!

You worked incredibly hard (in your mind) in order to earn money for yourself, your family – you traded your time for resources – and now the little time you have left you’re going to spend washing up??

This is another cognitive shift you need to make in order to be truly successful – you could start valuing your time more and be willing to spend your money to protect it.

So instead of spending your time cleaning the house, why not hire a cleaner to do it?

Unless, of course, you wish to engage in the practicing of mindfulness.

This is a way for you to leverage your time and in this way you can:

  • work on more fulfilling side hustles (and earn back the money you’re spending several times over),
  • spend time with your family and friends, or
  • invest more time in the hobbies and interests that you are truly passionate about.

Likewise, you can give yourself more time by investing in a dishwasher, a robotic vacuum cleaner or maybe even a service that will deliver you ready-made meals to your door for lunch and dinner!

These examples might not be specific to you. The point is: find ways to leverage your time.

Invest in YOU.

Don’t think that this means you do not need to be spending time on your appearance though – you absolutely would, wouldn’t you?

This takes us right back to our “law of attraction” principles as discussed in other posts.

What goal do you desire to achieve?

To get the best jobs, you need to look the part. And to look the part, you need to invest time or money.

If you want to find a suitable partner, take the time to look after your body and mind.

You may not have the time to spend hours ironing and running a second business from home – so spend the money on nourishing your mind and body.

Consider it an investment that will take you a step closer towards achieving your goal.

And believe that this money is going to come back to you.

It does help to believe in the law of attraction. Even if you do not fully understand how it works.

Surely that’s how many of those incredibly polished people who just seem to excel in everything they do got that way.

You know, the ones you admire and hold in high esteem…those who work smart instead of hard.

To a better, wiser, stronger – YOU.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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