Some ‘Impossible Goals’ and How to Make Them Happen

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You need some tips and inspiration for making a seemingly impossible goal happen for you?

Read on.

Many of us have goals and dreams that seem or sound impossible and that other people will perhaps tell us can’t be done.

In Jamaica, we say…

…”your chest is too high!”

Sometimes, those goals are so preposterous that we don’t tell anyone at all – and in some cases we’ll hardly even admit those goals to ourselves!

Furthermore, we may find it useful not to share those goals, particularly with people who are negative for the sake of being negative.

Or else, they are just afraid of “losing you”.

For example, if you have always dreamed of being a film star, then there’s a good chance that on some level you don’t think it’s going to happen and so you won’t actually pursue it with the vigor that you could pursue it.

Likewise, if you always dreamed of being an astronaut, then you probably know it can’t be done and so won’t even try.

Except that this is entirely the wrong attitude.

Rather, you should be working toward your goals but simply taking a different approach to make them possible.

Because anything is truly possible, as long as you know how to think outside the box…

To demonstrate this, let’s take a look at some highly unlikely goals and see how you could realistically go about making them happen…

Recording Artist

Want to be a pop star or a guitarist? Or a songwriter? Then how about starting your own music channel on YouTube™? Perform your songs and build a following and then you could eventually start charging for your full albums through Band Camp and similar sites. It’s probably only a matter of time until someone offers to give you a recording contract once you have the numbers behind you!

Did you know there is a learning path on for songwriting?

Bestselling Author

These days you don’t need to find a big publisher to become a bestselling author. Of course, that is one route to the top but another option is just to write your own book and publish it yourself.

This is possible today thanks to sites like Lulu. Lulu is a website that allows you to use ‘POD’ publishing, which stands for ‘Print On Demand’. This means that you can create a book and only pay for the printing costs each time someone orders one of them. That means that you don’t have to order a huge number of books and then try to sell them – instead, you can simply start selling right away and you’ll just lose a fraction of the cover price each time you do. That also means you’re not splitting your profits with a publisher!

Of course, the downside is that you’ll have to do all of your own marketing and editing. But if you can do that, then you’re good to go!

Also, there are sooo many resources online that will take you through the process of becoming a published author.

For example, Ray Brehm.


Always wanted to visit space? Then one way you can do that is to sign up for Virgin Galactic. That will give you a chance to visit space, without needing any training!

And what if you have training and yet had to wait twenty years for your opportunity to materialize?

Hello Fionn. You forgot something!

Er…what does any of this have to do with health and fitness?

Well…think about it.

What seemingly impossible goal are you trying to achieve?

You want another example? Hmmm…let me see…

How about the woman who went “from bullied to beauty queen“?

Have a look again at the word “impossible”.

You just need to change it a little and say…

I’m possible.

It’s called reframing.

PS: If you are still having difficulty achieving your impossible goals and dreams, particularly because you are dealing with doubts, here is an article that can help you with that.

Extra tip: the article has a link to another in which I share four tips for dealing with doubts.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


From bullied to beauty queen: Woman tormented about her eczema by school bullies goes on to win beauty contest. Located at Daily Mail (online). [Accessed November 14, 2020].

Pomona man among next group of astronauts to head to International Space Station. Located at Eyewitness News, ABC7 (Online). [Accessed November 14, 2020].

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